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“심장이 쫄깃해졌어!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? “심장이 쫄깃해졌어!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is “심장이 쫄깃해졌어!” This expression is typically used to describe a feeling of extreme nervousness, anxiety, or fear. You can use this expression in situations where you felt your heart racing or pounding due to intense emotions such as anticipation, excitement, or apprehension. 안녕하세요? 엘스대디입니다. 오늘 우리가 배울 .. 2024. 2. 14.
“눈물을 꾹 참았어!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? “눈물을 꾹 참았어!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is “눈물을 꾹 참았어!” This phrase is commonly used to convey the idea of maintaining composure or self-control in challenging or emotional situations. Here are some contexts where you might use this expression: 안녕하세요? 엘스대디입니다. 오늘 우리가 배울 표현은 "눈물을 꾹 참았어!"라는 표현인데요. 이 표현은 일반적으로 어려운 상황이나 감정적인 상황에서 침착함이나 자제력을 유지했.. 2024. 2. 2.
“시간이 약이야!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? “시간이 약이야!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is “시간이 약이야!” You can use the phrase "시간이 약이야!" in various situations where someone is experiencing difficulty or going through a challenging period. Here are some appropriate contexts: 안녕하세요? 엘스대디입니다. 오늘 우리가 배울 표현은 "시간이 약이야!"라는 표현인데요. 누군가가 어려움을 겪고 있거나 힘든 시기를 겪고 있는 다양한 상황에서 "시간이 약이야!"이라는 표현을 사용할 수 있습니다... 2024. 2. 1.
“충동구매 해버렸어!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? “충동구매 해버렸어!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is “충동구매 해버렸어!” You can use this expression when referring to a purchase that was made suddenly and without much thought or planning. It implies that the decision to buy something was based on a sudden urge or impulse rather than a deliberate choice or necessity. For example, if you bought a new gadge.. 2024. 1. 31.
“불행 중 다행이야!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? “불행 중 다행이야!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is “불행 중 다행이야!” This phrase is typically used to provide reassurance or perspective in a situation that may not be ideal but has some positive aspects or could have had more negative outcomes. Here are some situations where you might use this phrase: 안녕하세요? 엘스대디입니다. 오늘 우리가 배울 표현은 "불행 중 다행이야!"라는 표현인데요... 2024. 1. 23.
“가는 날이 장날이네!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? 가는 날이 장날이네!영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is 가는 날이 장날이네! This expression is typically used in informal conversation to express surprise or amazement at a fortunate or unfortunate event. It can be used in various situations where something unexpected and noteworthy happens. Look at the followings: 안녕하세요? 엘스대디입니다. 오늘 우리가 배울 표현은 가는 날이 장날이네!라는 표현인데.. 2024. 1. 21.
“가슴이 두근두근해요!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? 가슴이 두근두근해요!영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is 가슴이 두근두근해요! This phrase is commonly used to describe a heightened or increased heartbeat due to various emotions or situations. You can use this expression when you want to convey that your heart is beating faster than usual, typically as a result of excitement, fear, anxiety, stress, or intense phys.. 2024. 1. 16.
“와! 정말 막상막하네!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? 와! 정말 막상막하네!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is 와! 정말 막상막하네!” This expression is commonly used to describe a situation where two competitors or teams are very close in terms of performance, progress, or competition. It suggests that there is little to no noticeable difference between the two, and the outcome is uncertain or evenly matched. You .. 2024. 1. 13.
“맨땅에 헤딩하기!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? “맨땅에 헤딩하기!” 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is “맨땅에 헤딩하기!” This expression is an idiomatic phrase that means to fully immerse yourself in a situation or activity, often without hesitation or reservation. It is commonly used to encourage someone to take on a challenge or face a difficult situation head-on. 안녕하세요? 엘스대디입니다. "맨땅에 헤딩하기"라는 표현은 어떤 상황이나.. 2024. 1. 11.
" 자다가 업어가도 모르겠네! " 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? " 자다가 업어가도 모르겠네! " 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is “자다가 업어가도 모르겠네!” This expression is typically used to describe someone who has fallen asleep very quickly or suddenly. It suggests that the person is in a deep and sound sleep, much like the quick and complete extinguishing of a light. You can use this expression in casual conversations or wh.. 2024. 1. 10.
“사는 게 다 그렇지 뭐!” 영어로 이렇게 표현해 보세요. 사는 게 다 그렇지 뭐! 영어로 이렇게 표현해 보세요. Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is "사는 게 다 그렇지 뭐". This expression is often used to convey a sense of acceptance or resignation in the face of life's challenges, difficulties, or unexpected events. You can use this expression in various situations where things don't go as planned, or when faced with circumstances beyond your cont.. 2024. 1. 8.
"참을 만큼 참았어!" 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? "참을 만큼 참았어!" 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is “참을 만큼 참았어!” This phrase is commonly used to express frustration, annoyance, or a sense of being fed up with a situation. It's often used when someone has reached their limit and can't tolerate something anymore. Here are some situations where you might use the phrase: 안녕하세요? 엘스대디 입니다. 오늘 우리가 배울 표현.. 2023. 8. 12.
장례, 조문, 추모에 관한 영어 표현 두 번째 Expressions Regarding Funerals, Condolences, And Remembrance 2nd. 장례, 조문, 추모에 관한 영어 표현 두 번째 Expressions Regarding Funerals, Condolences, And Remembrance 2nd. Hello! This is Elsdaddy. Today, we are going to learn some more expressions about funeral, condolence, and remembrance. If you're at a loss what to say to a person who's in great sadness, share the sadness of loss with these sincere expressions. Let's take a look at the example? 안녕하세요? 엘스대디입니다. 오늘은 장례, 조문.. 2023. 8. 9.
"나는 뒤끝이 없어!" 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? "나는 뒤끝이 없어!" 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is "나는 뒤끝이 없어!". The phrase is typically used to express that you do not harbor feelings of resentment or ill will towards someone, even if they have wronged or hurt you in the past. It means you have chosen not to carry negative emotions and have moved on from the situation without seeking revenge or.. 2023. 8. 8.
"당신하고 맞는게 하나도 없어!" 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? "당신하고 맞는게 하나도 없어!" 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요? Hello! This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is "당신하고 맞는게 하나도 없어!". This phrase is an idiomatic expression used to describe two people or things that do not mix well together. It originates from the observation that oil and water do not blend or combine; instead, they separate and form distinct layers. People often use this phrase to indic.. 2023. 8. 7.