" 자다가 업어가도 모르겠네! " 영어로 어떻게 표현할까요?
This is Elsdaddy. The expression we are going to learn today is “자다가 업어가도 모르겠네!” This expression is typically used to describe someone who has fallen asleep very quickly or suddenly. It suggests that the person is in a deep and sound sleep, much like the quick and complete extinguishing of a light. You can use this expression in casual conversations or when discussing someone's ability to fall asleep rapidly and deeply.
엘스대디입니다. 오늘 우리가 배울 표현은 “자다가 업어가도 모르겠네!” 라는 표현인데요 이 표현은 일반적으로 매우 빨리 또는 갑자기 잠든 사람을 묘사하는 데 사용됩니다. 이는 마치 빛이 빠르고 완전히 꺼지는 것처럼 그 사람이 깊고 깊은 잠에 빠져 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 이 표현은 일상적인 대화에서나 빠르고 깊게 잠들 수 있는 능력을 논할 때 사용할 수 있습니다.
1. Example Sentences
① After a long day of hiking, he hit the bed and was out like a light within minutes.
긴 하루의 하이킹을 마친 후 그는 침대에 누웠고 자다가 업어가도 모를 정도로 깊이 잠들었습니다.
② After the exhausting work presentation, she went to bed and was out like a light, not even aware of the noise around her.
힘든 작품발표를 마치고 잠자리에 들었는데 자다가 업어가도 모를 정도로 깊이 잠들었습니다.
③ As soon as her head touched the pillow, she was out like a light, completely unaware of the world around her.
그녀의 머리가 베개에 닿자마자 그녀는 자다가 업어가도 모를 정도로 깊이 잠이 들었고 주변 세계를 전혀 인식하지 못했습니다.
④ The gentle rocking of the hammock worked its magic, and she was out like a light under the shade of the trees.
해먹의 부드러운 흔들림이 마법을 불러일으켰고,그녀는 나무 그늘 아래 자다가 업어가도 모를 정도로 깊은 잠이 들었습니다.
▶ 이 표현 영상으로 확인하기 아래 클릭
2. Example Dialogue
A: How did your date go last night?
어제 데이트는 어땠어요?
B: Oh, it was great! We went for a long walk, had a nice dinner, and then watched a movie at my place.
오, 정말 좋았어요! 우리는 긴 산책을 하고, 맛있는 저녁을 먹고, 우리 집에서 영화를 봤어요.
A: Sounds perfect! Did you guys stay up late talking?
완벽하네요! 늦게까지 이야기를 나누셨나요?
B: Not really. As soon as we finished the movie, he was out like a light on the couch. Must have been tired.
그렇지 않아요. 영화가 끝나자마자 그는 소파 위에서 업어가도 모를 정도로 깊이 잠들었어요. 피곤했을 거에요.
A: That's funny! He must have felt really comfortable to fall asleep so quickly.
재미있네요! 그렇게 빨리 잠들어서 정말 편했을 것 같아요.
B: Yeah, I guess. I didn't mind, though. It was kind of cute. I just covered him with a blanket and let him sleep.
그렇죠. 그래도 상관없었어요. 좀 귀여웠어요. 그냥 담요로 덮어주고 자도록 두었어요.
3. More Expressions
Here are some similar expressions that convey the idea of someone falling asleep quickly or easily:
① Out cold:
After the exhausting day at work, she was out cold within minutes of lying down."
② Asleep in the blink of an eye
The baby was so tired that he was asleep in the blink of an eye after his bedtime bottle.
③ Down for the count:
After the long flight, they were down for the count as soon as they reached their hotel room.
④ In the arms of Morpheus:
The soothing lullaby put the baby in the arms of Morpheus, and he slept peacefully through the night.
⑤ Knocked out:
The marathon left him completely drained, and he was knocked out in no time.
⑥ In dreamland:
Once the lights went out, the children were in dreamland, lost in the world of their dreams.
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★ 도움이 되었다면 아래 하트 ♡ 공감을 클릭해 주세요. 여러분의 공감과 구독이 제가 이 글을 쓰는데 큰 힘이 됩니다.
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