화나고 짜증 날 때 쓰는 영어 표현 Expressions Used When Angry And Annoyed
엘스대디입니다. 오늘은 화나고 짜증 날 때 쓰는 영어 표현들에 대해서 배워 볼 건데요. 여러분 화가 났을 때 또는 기분이 나쁠 때 여러분의 상태를 제대로 표현하지 못해서 답답할 때 있으셨죠? 그렇다면 오늘 표현 잘 익혀 두시기 바랍니다. 그럼 예문을 살펴볼까요?
This is Elsdaddy. Today, we are going to learn about expressions when angry and annoyed. Have you been frustrated because you couldn't express your condition properly when you are angry or annoyed. Then, I hope you get used to today's expressions. Let's take a look at example sentences.
1. Example Sentences
1) I'm at the end of tether. It gets me. It annoys me. I get fired up. I feel really pissed off.
아~ 열받어.
2) Are you kidding me? Are you insane? Are you nuts? Are you out of mind? Are you sick?
3) You are really riling me up. You piss me off. You are so annoying. You drive me crazy. You rub me the wrong way.
네가 열 받게 하고 있잖아.
4) You are ridiculous. That's ridiculous. Don't be ridiculous.
말도 안 돼, 웃기지 마.
5) You are such a dick.
너 진짜 최악이다.
6) For the love of god, For god sake.
제발 쫌!
7) Holy crap. Up yours. Bloody hell. Sod it. Sod all. Oh, sod a dog. Holy fuck. Darn it.
이런 젠장. 제기랄
8) Bugger it. Sod off.
9) Oh, bollocks. Bullshit.
개소리, 헛소리
10) Come on.
쫌! (상황에 따라 다름)
11) You are pushing it. Don't be so hard on me. You are over the top.
제게 너무 가혹하시군요.
12) My patience is worn out. I am out of patience.
참는 것도 한계가 있어.
13) You really get under my skin. You burn me up.
너 때문에 폭발하기 직전이야.
14) I have had it up to here. I can't put up with it.
참을 만큼 참았어.
15) I'll climb the walls if I stay here.
여기 있으면 미쳐버릴 것 같아요.
16) Leave me alone. Give me a break.
나 좀 내버려 둬.
17) Cut it out.
그만 좀 해.
18) Who do you think you are?
네가 뭐라도 되는 줄 아냐?
★ If this article has helped, please click on Heart ♡ Empathy below. Your Empathy and Subscription are a great help for me to write this article.
★ 도움이 되었다면 아래 하트 ♡ 공감을 클릭해 주세요. 여러분의 공감과 구독이 제가 이 글을 쓰는데 큰 힘이 됩니다.
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https://elsdaddy-english.tistory.com/장마와 관련된 영어표현
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